About Nyjah Wood

About KD, Founder

In western astrology, it is believed to be that the universe is formed by four elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water. These four elements are said to be the fundamental components between which interactions occur. Perhaps it was these beliefs that played a role towards my connection to nature…

Embodied by the element of earth- my elemental energy, I grew up outside, and with intimate realities of living life in modesty. I spent lots of time outdoors with the neighborhood kids; we didn’t have much, yet at the same time, we had everything. Between my parents’ hard work and natural curiosity, a love for the outdoors, simplicity and frugality were hallmarks of my childhood. And through that, the value of family, simplicity and gratitude has served as a huge inspiration and permeate through my work.

They say the earth elements are associated of qualities with warmth, patience, thoughtfulness and reflection, and for that, I attribute this to my appreciation for reclaimed wood. There’s something special about the beauty drawn out by nature. Through its imperfect beauty, reclaimed wood carries with it the stories of our past and the character found in it testifies to its unique history.

About NyjahWood

Based out of Oakland CA, in the San Francisco Bay Area, NyjahWood was created out of pure effort to preserve the essence of purity in form. The history that enriches each reclaimed and antique wood is incredibly captivating.

Reclaimed wood lets us connect with nature and human history in an unprecedented way. Knowing the provenance of a wood and the story it conveys is part of what NyjahWood is all about. With love for all things wood, we are dedicated to the preservation of our remaining old growth forests and sincerely believe they should be left as a legacy for our future.

We are true believers that using reclaimed wood is one of the purest forms of recycling in efforts to recreate something remarkable for years to come.  These unique wood used for these pieces comes from abandoned barns, historical warehouses as well as structures over 100 years of age.  We believe that building a connection with our past puts everything in better perspective for the present.

We especially love salvaging and reclaiming exceptional wood that has character and is unique with a specific aim at creating one-of-a-kind custom furniture. These artisan craft reclaimed wood pieces will be a centerpiece in a home where memories will be created.

Not only is it environmentally responsible to recycle antique lumber, but the sheer beauty of the patina from reclaimed wood just can’t be replicated.